The planning for the bicentennial began more than a year in advance of the special day of March 13, 2018. A large banner draped the front of the town hall to announce the occasion. A special logo was designed by Phil Daggar. The committee chose to commemorate the event with a bicentennial book and hand-made pottery. The book is available at the Rush Public Library and the Town History Office. It was at this time that the Rush Historical Society was formed.
The town had celebrated its Sesquicentennial in 1968. Many of the same people were there to help. One of our members wore the dress her mother wore and her granddaughter wore the dress she had worn herself 50 years earlier. Of course the dresses were home made. Both celebrations included a parade and a gala.
For more information you can read the town newsletters of 2017 and 2018 on the town website.
Here is a listing of the events.
For more information you can read the town newsletters of 2017 and 2018 on the town website.
December 9, 2017 Our kick off event on December 9, 2017 with a tree lighting event and caroling. Singing with the RH Spectrum Singers and refreshments followed in the Udicious Pavilion.
January 3, 2018, The Rush Town Board signed a Proclamation proclaiming 2018 as the Bicentennial Year for Rush. This document will be included in a planned time capsule.
March 13, 2018 Re-enactment of first Town Board Meeting. Event will be held Tuesday, 7 pm in the Rush Court Room. Proclamation from the County Executive. Refreshments will follow. The Rush Bicentennial book will be available for purchase.
April 22, 2018 Author Paula Whitacre will give a presentation at the Rush Sunday, 2 pm Methodist Church. Ms. Whitacre has published a book entitled, A Civil Life in an Uncivil Time: Julia Wilbur’s Struggle for Purpose. Julia Wilbur lived in Rush with her family in the 1850’s until she moved in 1862 to Washington, DC to continue her abolitionist efforts. More info available at: http://www.paulawhitacre.com/. Book signing available.
May 6, 2018 Tour of the One-Room Schoolhouse Sites in Rush and Henrietta, 1 pm via RH School Bus. Collaborative event with Henrietta. Advance registration required at Rush Town Hall or online at Rush Historical Society website. Ages 10 and up.
May 28, 2018 Rush Memorial Day Parade sponsored by the Stevens-Connor American Legion Post June 2, 2018 Historic Rush Landmarks Tour: First floor tours or exterior viewing 10 am – 4 pm of select historic homes and other buildings in Rush. Tickets must Saturday be purchased in advance at a cost $10; ages 14 and older.
June 2, 2018 Rush First Day Issue Postmark commemorating the Rush Saturday Bicentennial. Bring your stamped envelope to the Rush Town Hall 9 am – 1 pm. for this special postmark.
July 20, 2018 Rush Firemen’s Parade with Bicentennial themed participation Friday from various town organizations.
July 28-29, 2018 Genesee Country Village Museum Days for Rush Saturday-Sunday Be sure to visit the buildings that were originally located in Rush.
August 3-5, 2018 Monroe County Fair Friday – Sunday Rush, New York Rush Historical Society Display
August 12, 2018 Re-enactment of the town’s early settlers and other notable Rush Sunday afternoon figures. Come learn about our town’s past and see your neighbors portraying their ancestors and other early Rush residents.
September 12, 2018 The Interurban Era: Trolley Travel by Jim Dierks of the New York Wednesday, 7 pm Museum of Transportation. Event located in the Udicious Pavilion.
September 15, 2018 Re-dedication of the Rush Veterans Memorial Park followed Saturday, 11 am by a luncheon across the road at the Rush Creekside Inn. The lunch will be a re-creation of a dinner menu from the earlier years of the Stevens-Connor American Legion Post.
October 6, 2018 Rush Fall Festival Saturday Rush Historical Society Display October 7, 2018 Bicentennial Gala Event at Wild Wood Country Club. Period Sunday evening clothing encouraged but not required. Tickets must be purchased in advance.
October 13, 2018 Rochester and Genesee Valley Railroad – Fall Foliage Rides. This Saturday date will be a Rush specific ride day with various departure times throughout the afternoon. Tickets must be purchased in advance.
December 1, 2018 Closing event of our Bicentennial year will be a tree lighting Saturday, 6:30 pm ceremony along with Christmas carols and refreshments. It is anticipated that the tree lighting ceremony will become an annual tradition.